September 1, 2024
Can You Vape RSO

I’ve seen people use RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) to treat chronic pain, epilepsy, etc. Therefore, as a vaper, I dived into whether I could vape it too. So, can you vape RSO?

You can indeed vape RSO. However, it is not as simple as loading your vape pen with RSO and inhaling. RSO is a thick oil. It requires extra preparation before vaping. Nonetheless, you can vape it, and it’s safe. 

Need to know more about vaping RSO? I’ve explained everything about vapes and RSO right here.

Can You Vape RSO?

The whole story is that, of course, you can vape RSO if you want to. However, its creator, Rick Simpson, does not recommend vaping RSO. As reported by, Rick Simpson claims RSO is most effective when taken orally. 

RSO is a cannabis oil. It is made by extracting the cannabinoids, terpenes, etc from the cannabis plant. The extraction has to be done by using a solvent, such as ethanol or naphtha. 

The solvent is then evaporated. This leaves behind a thick, dark oil that contains a high concentration of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol – the prime essence of cannabis, according to the Encyclopedia of Toxicology). Once the oil is fully made, RSO’s concentration is usually between 50% to 90%.

Since RSO is only a cannabis liquid, you can ingest it orally (as endorsed by 2022 research), apply it topically, or even vape it. So, can you put RSO in a vape? Absolutely, vaping it is 100% safe (so long as you do it in moderation).

How To Personalize Your Vaping Experience With RSO?

If you do decide to vape RSO, prepare it using the steps I laid down below:

1. Choose A Tested And Labeled RSO

RSO varies in its purity. Therefore, you must choose a high-quality RSO. It has to be tested and labeled for its cannabinoid content, terpene profile, and solvent residue.

I suggest you also choose an RSO that is made from a specific strain of cannabis. For example, choose an indica, sativa, or hybrid. Base this choice on the effects you are looking for.

2. Thin The RSO With A Liquidizer 

RSO is too thick to be vaped directly. So, you will need to thin it with a liquidizer. You can pick a wax liquidizer, a terpene liquidizer, or a vegetable glycerin liquidizer. 

  • Mix the RSO with the liquidizer in a ratio of 2:1 or 1:1 to thin it. 
  • If you want, you can also add some CBD liquid or natural terpenes to the mixture. It will enhance the flavor of the RSO. 
  • Heat the RSO and liquidizer in a double boiler or a microwave. It will thoroughly mix them. 
  • Stir the mixture until it’s well combined.

3. Fill The Vape Cartridge With The RSO Mixture

Once you have thinned the RSO, fill the vape cartridge with the RSO mixture. Use a syringe or a dropper to transfer the RSO to the vape cartridge. 

4. Attach The Vape Cartridge To The Vape Battery

After filling the vape cartridge, attach it to the vape battery. I suggest you use a 510-threaded battery vaporizer. This is a common vape device for oil-based liquids. 

Now, can you use RSO in a vape pen or other devices, too? Yes, you can absolutely do that too.

5. Vape The RSO: 

At this point, you have prepared and assembled the vape device. So, you can now start vaping the RSO. Take small and short puffs at first. Wait for the effects to kick in before taking another puff. 

What Are The Benefits Of Vaping RSO?

As I have found out, vaping RSO has some benefits, such as:

1. Fast And Efficient Delivery

Vaping RSO delivers the cannabinoids into the bloodstream faster than other methods of consumption. Vaping bypasses the digestive system and the liver. It allows the cannabinoids to enter the lungs and the bloodstream directly

It means that more THC (from the RSO) reaches the receptors in the brain. And it will benefit you if you need immediate mind relief. 

2. Discreet And Convenient 

Vaping RSO does not produce much smoke. You can do it with a portable and easy-to-use device. Vaping RSO also allows you to control the dose and the effects. 

Vaping RSO may also reduce the waste and mess associated with other consumption methods. 

3. Full-spectrum and Versatile

Vaping RSO provides a full-spectrum experience. confirms that RSO contains a wide range of compounds from the cannabis plant, including flavonoids, terpenes and cannabinoids. These compounds work together to produce the full effect. 

What Are The Risks Of Vaping RSO?

Vaping RSO may also have some risks. These include:

1. Inhalation Of Residual Solvents

RSO often contains traces of ethanol or naphtha. The solvents sometimes are not completely removed from the oil, especially if homemade. Consequently, these solvents harm the lungs and the nervous system. 

2. Damage To The Vape Device

RSO is very thick. This can clog the vape device. This is especially true if it is not designed for vaping thick oils. 

3. Overdose Or Adverse Effects

RSO causes psychoactive effects. Its effects include euphoria, paranoia, anxiety, or hallucinations. Therefore, you have to start low and go slow when vaping RSO.

Tips For Maximizing The Benefits And Minimizing The Risks Of Vaping RSO

Can RSO be vaped? Yes, but follow the below tips when vaping to make it 100% safe:

  • Use high-quality RSO that is tested for a lack of solvents. 
  • Choose RSO made from a specific cannabis strain tailored to desired effects.
  • Use suitable liquidizers without propylene glycol (PG) or polyethylene glycol (PEG). These produce toxic substances when heated/inhaled.
  • Use a compatible vape device made for thick oils. Avoid cotton wicks or metal coils that degrade RSO.
  • Start low and go slow. Carefully monitor effects before higher doses.

Alternative Methods Of Consuming RSO – Other Than Vaping

Vaping RSO is not the only way to consume RSO. Other methods of consuming RSO may have different advantages and disadvantages. These include:

A. Oral Ingestion

As MissionCannabisClub affirms, oral ingestion is the recommended method of consuming RSO. This method involves placing a small amount of RSO under the tongue. Or, you can swallow it with some food or drink. 


  • Oral ingestion provides a long-lasting effect. This way, the digestive system absorbs RSO slowly and steadily. 
  • Oral ingestion is also more convenient. You don’t need any special equipment or preparation.


  • RSO may take up to two hours or more to take effect.
  • Oral ingestion sometimes also causes gastrointestinal discomfort or irritation. This especially happens if RSO is not diluted or mixed with some food or drink.

B. Topical Application

This application method involves applying this oil to the skin directly.


  • Topical application provides a localized and targeted effect. 
  • A 2016 peer-reviewed study confirms that topical application of cannabis avoids gastrointestinal impacts. This is also the case with RSO because it does not enter the bloodstream or brain directly. So, it’s a comfortable experience. 
  • Topical applications often benefit skin conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, or wounds. It’s because cannabis-based oils such as RSO have antimicrobial properties, as proven by 2020 peer-reviewed research. 


  • As reported by a 2022 study published in the National Library Of Medicine, topical application of cannabis sometimes causes skin irritation. In the case of RSO, this likely happens if you do not dilute the RSO correctly. 

Final Verdict 

So, can you vape RSO? Vaping RSO has no noteworthy health risks. Therefore, you can indeed vape RSO without any worries. 

However, some minor inconveniences are there, such as solvent inhalation risk and finding quality vape cartridges. So, do weigh the pros and cons before vaping RSO. Or, do consider alternative consumption methods like oral ingestion or topical use. 

I hope this article has clarified your options for using RSO effectively. Happy vaping!